Colindale is identified as an Opportunity Area for housing growth in the London Plan. The Council adopted the Colindale Area Action Plan (AAP) in March 2010. This provides a planning policy and design framework to guide and inform development in Colindale up to 2021.
The third and final phase of the redevelopment of the former Colindale Hospital provides new high quality apartments spread two buildings ranging from five storeys along the railway line up to nine storeys along Charcot Road. The scheme comprises 242sqm of commercial floor space and 157 residential apartments together with car parking and landscaping. The scheme includes the provision of 27 affordable homes.
The layout of the two proposed blocks and spaces seek to emphasise the two internal squares (Arrival Square and Central Square) and provide taller way finding/bookend buildings overlooking these squares. The development has been carefully considered as an addition to the existing approved development on the former Hospital site. The design of the buildings reflect the architectural style of the buildings already approved to provide quality contemporary architecture. The buildings are articulated with varying heights and stepped rooflines. BM3 was appointed as lead consultant on this scheme and carried out post planning working drawings to enable construction. Much effort was placed on the detailing of the architecture to ensure the concept design was fully realised.