The site is covered by the Council’s Manor House Area Action Plan (AAP, 2013) within which is it identified as an Opportunity for Change Site. The proposed development is spread over two high quality buildings ranging in height from 5-storeys to 9 storeys. The taller elements front the reservoir, adjacent to the site taking advantage of the fantastic views. The two blocks form an enclosure to a landscaped pedestrian link between Green Lanes and the New River Walk and reservoir. The 9-storey element acts as a “marker” for the public access from Green Lanes to the New River Walk.
The scheme comprises 109 residential apartments together with car parking and landscaping. The scheme includes the provision of 25 affordable homes. BM3 was appointed as lead consultant on this scheme and carried out post planning working drawings to enable construction. Much effort was placed on the detailing of the architecture to ensure the concept design was fully realised.