BM3 was appointed by Taylor Wimpey North Thames to carry out a reserved matters application for the fourth phase of the Millbrook Park Masterplan. Located in Millhill, North London, The Scheme comprises 89 dwellings in total which include 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, together with larger 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses.
BM3 carried out extensive co-ordination and design development in order to deliver the most efficient and economic design, by redesigning the proposed topography of the site, we were able to eliminate the need for split level dwellings, that were risking the scheme not being financially viable for our client.
Through a strong collaborative process with the design team, together with the planners and urban design officer, BM3’s design successfully met the design parameters of the Masterplan Design Code.
The Scheme provides a backdrop to the prestigious panoramic park, which sits at the heart of the overall masterplan.