Planning Permission granted for 130 apartments in Walsall

Excellent result for our client PJK Developments (Walsall) Ltd at Walsall's Planning Committee last Thursday. Members agreed with our argument that the office allocation, dating back to 2012, had no reasonable prospect of coming forward and that applications for alternative uses on the land should be supported, where the proposed use would contribute to meeting an unmet need for development in the area (NPPF: paragraph 120).

The proposal comprises 130 apartments on the former Police Station site on Green Lane, while approximately half of the flats will be for those aged over 55. Residents will have access to the lounge and beautiful communal garden courtyard designed by our in-house Landscape Architects. The scheme promotes sustainable transport and a healthy lifestyle with the provision of generous cycle parking in addition to car parking.

BM3 provided Architecture, Planning, CGI and Landscape services, we’re excited to see the project progress!
